Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Third Inning: Lebanon Little League

While searching for information about Lebanon Little League on the internet, I came across a notice in the Lebanon Daily Record. Glenn Drake had recently passed away at the age of 90. Mr. Drake was active in Lebanon youth baseball, especially the Babe Ruth League. He had been instrumental in getting the Babe Ruth World Series to Lebanon. There were many other men in Lebanon who were active and important to Lebanon Youth Baseball, some of them being Ollie Scott, Harold Beaver and my Dad. Dad served in many capacities; as a Midget League coach, Little League President, and President of the Optimist Club that sponsored the Babe Ruth League. At his death a memorial was set up for improvements to the High School baseball field that was shared by the Babe Ruth League.
Lebanon Little League was organized into three leagues; Midget League for boys age 8-9, Minor League for boys age 10-12. These leagues had 8 teams each. The teams were the Red Sox, Pirates, Reds, Colts, Phillies, Mets, White Sox and Senators. There was a Major League of six teams for boys age 10-12 who were the "better" players. These teams were the Cardinals, Orioles, Dodgers, Yankees and Cubs. I can't remember the name of the sixth team.I played for two years (age 11 & 12) on the Minor League Reds.
Dad began his involvement with Lebanon Youth baseball by coaching the Midget League White Sox for two years. During those two years my brother Gregg played on the team along with some other kids from our neighborhood, such as Mike Eidson, Gene Eidson and Royce Crisp who lived in the neighborhood for a short time. Most of the boys on that first team were 8 years old and just beginning to play organized baseball. In those games score was kept and there was a winning and losing team. The team had lots of fun, the boys learned a lot, but by the time they game to their 14th and final game they were 0 - 13. In this final game Dad decided to surprise the other team. He prepared a lineup with names of Peanut characters which Mr. West the announcer at Gasconade Park read off. Players were announced as Linus, Schroeder, Pigpen, Snoopy, etc. My brother Scott was announced as Charlie Brown AND the pitcher. Dad put him in the largest team jersey he had which happened to have the largest number, 14. Scott didn't pitch in the game, but his warm-ups on the mound had the opposing team all psyched out wondering if this little kid was really going to pitch. It seems like the opposing team may have been in first place. The game began and Dad moved kids around every inning, letting every one pitch that wanted to. I remember Gene Eidson caught a fly ball in the outfield. That was something pretty rare in midget league. When the dust settled the Midget League White Sox finished their season 0 - 14 but had some momentum to take them into the next season. -30-


  1. I'm assuming that's you, Gregg, and Scott in the picture with your dad? Let me know if that's not correct. . . :o)

  2. Yes, and Mark is in the lower right hand corner also.
